Ms Sue Smith

RN (Division 1)  CNSCert Critical Care Nursing.

Critical Care Nurse, Alfred Emergency and Trauma Centre.
Nurse Research Officer, NTRI

Sue Smith is a Senior Critical Care Registered Nurse with 25 years experience working clinically in the Emergency and Trauma centre of the Alfred Hospital, and has been working in the NTRI since 2008.

Sue was involved in the TR&R® (Trauma Reception and Resuscitation project) when it was implemented as a randomised controlled trial in the Trauma Centre in 2005 and has remained a project officer since then,  responsible for the maintenance and upgrading  of the system, and the education of the senior clinical trauma nurses who use the system on all severely injured trauma patients. 

Sue is actively involved in the ongoing improvement and development of the TR&R® and is a resource for the clinical staff to improve the care of trauma patients.