This is the first study to demonstrate that the introduction of concurrent, computer-aided decision support for experienced trauma teams results in improved protocol compliance and reduced errors
— Fitzgerald et al Trauma Resuscitation Errors and Computer-Assisted Decision Support Arch Surg. 2011;146(2):218-225

The study was conducted on 1187 severely injured patients employing a randomised controlled trial that was used to measure the effect of real-time, computer prompted, evidence-based algorithms on algorithm deviation and error occurrence during trauma resuscitation. Computer assisted video audit allowed objective identification of algorithm deviation and error.

The results of the study showed that computer aided decision support for Medical and Nursing Trauma Teams improved protocol compliance and significantly decreased errors of omission during the initial resuscitation of major trauma patients. This world first study demonstrated that computer-aided decision support reduced errors during the initial resuscitation of major trauma patients. Shock management errors were reduced by 26% and the need for blood transfusion was significantly reduced (p<0.0001).


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